ITCM 307 – HYDROLOGY/Assignment 2 – Hydrostatics; Fluids at Rest

ITCM 307 – HYDROLOGY/Assignment 2 – Hydrostatics; Fluids at Rest

Show formulas and your work on this sheet.

1.    What is density of water?                         1 point

2.    What is value of g                            1 point

3.    What is relation between Density and Specific Weight        2 point

4.    Define specific gravity? What is Specific gravity of water        2 point

5.    What is the Weight of 1.0 cubic foot of water?            2 points

6.    What is specific gravity of Kerosene, which has a specific weight of 7.85 X 103 N/m3?                                    2 points

7.    A reservoir of water is connected to a 12 in. diameter pipe 50 feet long and capped at the end. The water surface elevation of the reservoir is 82.5 ft and capped end of the pipe is at elevation 38 ft. Find the pressure in psf at the capped end of the pipe.
5 points

8.    Determine the pressure in lb/in2 (psi), lb/ft2 (psf), and kiloPascals (kPa) at the bottom of a liquid storage tank with a liquid height of 35 feet when storing (a) water and (b) mercury.  Assume an approximate liquid temperature of 60 – 70 ?F.  Comment on the pressure differences and resulting storage structural considerations when storing water and mercury at this height.
5 points

9.    At what height above a residential area should a water storage tank be located in order to provide a faucet pressure of 10 lb/in2 (psi) assuming (a) no friction losses in the pipes and (b) a 50% friction loss in the pipes?        5 points

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