Islam and Human Rights

Topic: Islam and Human Rights

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write a scholarly book reviews from the point view of a muslim international lawyer who believes that Islam is in favor and compatible witth human rights but Islamic countries doesn’t have the political will to apply human rights , the scholarly book review is about the book Islam and the challenge of Human Rights by oxford press.

This for a law school peer-reviewed journal. The book reviews should analyze emerging issues in all sub-disciplines of law.

It should be between 3,000-3,500 words including footnotes. Submissions must have a title, 250-word-long abstract and key words, not to exceed 5 words. Title, abstract and keywords must also be written in English.

The format for submissions must be 12 pt. Times New Roman and 1,5 line spaced and 10 pt for footnotes. Abstracts should be written indently with 1 cm from left and right.

Titles in the manuscripts must be arranged as follows:
1. All letters Bold and Only First Letters Capital
a. Normal Letters and Only First Letters Capital
i. Normal Letters and Only First Letters Capital

Sources used in manuscript should be lined up alphabetically in Bibliography. References must be made in footnotes.Text, references and bibliography should conform to OSCOLA (Oxford University Standard for Citation of Legal Authorities).

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