is college the only way to be successful?

is college the only way to be successful?

Description: For this project, you will conduct research on the topic on which you elected to write
your persuasive essay. This is likely to be Paper 3, but if one of your earlier papers or one of your
posts provided a better foundation to support research work you may use your other work.
? Consult at least 6-10 legitimate sources on your topic.
? Choose five (5) sources that you would like to work closely with.
? Make sure that at least one (1) of your sources offers a legitimate argument for a viewpoint
opposing what you presented in your paper.
? Do the following treatment for each of your chosen five (1) sources:
1. Upload a pdf file of the original material Blackboard Learn. Do not submit a link. For a book,
include a photocopy of the title page, showing the publishing date and place of publication, a
copy of the table of contents, the first two pages of the contents, and a photocopy of the
specific contents you are summarizing and evaluating. You will not receive credit for a
research item if you do not include an adequate presentation of the source itself.
2. Produce a citation of the source in correct MLA format (see back): Make sure that every
period, every space, every capital letter, etc. is correctly rendered. You will not receive credit
for a research item if the citation is not done correctly.
3. Give a brief description of how you found the item (2 points): In a sentence or two tell me how
you found this item. Do not use Google. Did you consult a librarian? Did you use the library
data base? Ask a friend? I simply want to know the steps you went though to locate this item.
4. Write brief synopsis of the contents (3 points): In three to five sentences give a brief summary
of the contents of this research item. Don’t recount the whole piece; just offer a few of the
major highlights. Be careful to guard against plagiarism here. If you quote directly from the
materials, you must accurately cite it.
5. Present an analysis and evaluation of the source (6 points): Write a one-paragraph
explanation about why you think this item is legitimate. How do you know the information in it
is accurate or truthful? For instance, if you’re working with a book, who is the publisher? Is
the publisher a reputable one? How do you know? If the source is an article from a journal or
magazine, has the information in it been vetted by experts or the author’s peers? If so, how
do you know? If you can’t determine whether the information is reliable or whether the
opinions arrived at are informed and dependable, is the source valuable for other reasons
that led you to include it?
6. Discuss how the research item impacts your opinion paper (6 points): Write briefly (about one
paragraph) about how the contents of this source would have been addressed in your
persuasive paper. If this source opposes your argument, did it do so successfully? How
would you address the issues it raises? If it supports your argument? How does it do so?
Does it present facts or statistics that lend your argument credibility? Does it argue the same
points you do?
? Summary Paper based on your research: (15 points) After you have completed all the research
and submitted all the treatments, write a 3-4-page documented discussion about how the
sources you have worked with impacted your original opinion. Has your opinion been deepened,
changed, or otherwise influenced by the research work you engaged in. How so? Ideally you
should be able to draw most of the contents for this paper from #6 above. This paper should
demonstrate proficiency with MLA documentation format: include a Works Cited page, which
lists, in alphabetical order, all five of the sources you worked with above.
NOTE: I already wrote paper 3, 5 treatments and had all sources, so you guys trust need to write the last one is summary paper based on my research. i wil give my paper 3 and all treatments to you. you can write the summary research paper base on all of them

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