“Investments for Future: Early Childhood Development and Education.”

Choose three quotes that you highlighted in the article and copy the quotes below. Write a brief response to each quote in which you share your thoughts or questions on that quote. If it is a long section, you are free to briefly quote then provide the page and paragraph number. Remember from ENG 100 that there are many ways to respond. You could agree, disagree, or qualify (“yes, but”).

Kartal, Hülya. “Investments for Future: Early Childhood Development and Education.” Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 543-554. https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=shib&custid=natuniv&direct=true&db=ehh&AN=24374478&site=ehost-live.

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