Individual report
Individual report
Order Description
Demographic profile of countries and impact on employment. Select two countries studied in this unit to analyse the effect of a country’s age profile on work organisation or labour markets in the context of industrial relations.
? Youth bulge? Ageing workforce?
? What are the two countries that exemplify issues & challenges with national population characteristics?
? How do we understand and plan for demographic change in industrial relations context either firm level or setor level or country level.
? What is the role of organisational or government policy.
Select two countries from below:
Australia, China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Report format:
Executive summary
Headings logically move the reader through the topic
References – high quality that develop an evidence base for your arguments
You DO NOT need to include Recommendations in your Report
Arguments need to be supported by current case studies and/or examples.
? Can be news items, government reports or studies by Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), ILO/UN -supranational organisations
? Also academic case studies and examples
Exec Summary: Summary of main points of the report
Intro: Set out specific topic, orientation & approach
Body – Adopts theory, uses empirical evidence, data to build argument/response to question. Linking sections.
Conclusion – sums up how well you have addressed the topic, revisits what you aimed to do & summarises the arguments & evidence. Do not make general statements – link directly to the topic.
Topic exposition
Each topic requires Two Countries.
Research: not dictionaries, Wikipedia or poor quality web sources
Analysis: Use literature/academic sources to build the platform for your topic. More than describe – in-depth critique.
Debate: Integrate different perspectives & differing viewpoints but build own arguments as a response to the topic.
6-8 quality reference sources: journal articles – use google scholar.
Demographic profile of countries and impact on employment. Select two countries studied in this unit to analyse the effect of a country’s age profile on work organisation or labour markets in the context of industrial relations.
? Youth bulge? Ageing workforce?
? What are the two countries that exemplify issues & challenges with national population characteristics?
? How do we understand and plan for demographic change in industrial relations context either firm level or setor level or country level.
? What is the role of organisational or government policy.
Select two countries from below:
Australia, China, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, India, Malaysia and Indonesia.