Impact of Saud AlFaisl sociological , educational, social background on his political views?

Impact of Saud AlFaisl sociological , educational, social background on his political
History of Discourse analysis.
Methodologies and theories.
overview of Critical discourse in the world, Europe , Middle east
Discourse analysis of saudi.
overview of political discourse .
Background of Saud Alfaisl .
Educational, social background of saud alfaisl.
analysis of political life .
comparison of political discourse analysis of his life with the middle east and Europe.
interview with his daughter Haifa Alfaisl.
these are the primary outline of my proposal.
attached you will find the Description of the doctoral project (dissertation)Description of the intended doctoral
The description of the intended doctoral project is an important part of your application. It should
clearly outline the intended doctoral project, its research questions and objectives, as well as the
current state of research that provides the basis for the intended doctoral project.
Length: max. 4 pages in A4 (plus max. 1 page of bibliographical references)
Please make sure to address the following aspects:
• Brief description of the content of the intended doctoral project

  • What are the research questions and objectives?
    • Brief description of the current state of research
  • What research provides the basis for the intended doctoral project (including bibliographical
    references to the most relevant publications on the current state of research)?
  • How does the intended doctoral project relate to the current state of research?
    • Preliminary considerations about the theory and methodological approach
  • What theories form the basis for the intended doctoral project?
  • What methods are you planning to use?
  • What research materials (data, sources, etc.) would you like to investigate?
  • Do you have a rough work and time schedule?
    • Extended bibliography
  • List relevant literature that your intended doctoral project relates to and/or builds upon.

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