Identify and discuss three further critical issues in conducting an ethnographic investigation
Identify and discuss three further critical issues in conducting an ethnographic investigation
Order Description
Response paper: Identify and discuss three further critical issues in conducting an
ethnographic investigation
Identify and discuss three further critical issues (conceptual/theoretical and/or practical) involved in conducting an ethnographic investigation. Refer explicitly to at least six of the attachments. Also refer to other readings and/or your own research to support your response.
Please ensure that the issues you identify and discuss are distinct from those you address in the last order #81475066 (please find the attached copy of this order). They may be related but should indicate your further thinking about the complexities of conducting ethnographic research.
Understanding of the question or issue and the key concepts involved
• understanding of the task and its relationship to relevant areas of theory and
educational research
• clarity and accuracy in use of key terms and concepts in qualitative research and
ethnographic inquiry
Depth of analysis and interpretation in response to the task
• depth of understanding of key concepts and issues that arise in the required readings
from days 1 and 2 (Assessment 1) then days 3 and 4 (Assessment 2) and from your
follow up readings
• depth of analysis and interpretation relating to definitions, explanations and
discussion of ethnography, including conceptually, theoretically and practically
related concerns
• use of relevant personal examples as appropriate
Familiarity with and relevance of professional and/or research literature used
to support response
• range of research literature on qualitative research – in addition to the required
readings – to support response
Structure and organisation of response
• appropriateness of overall structure of response
• clarity and coherence of organisation, including use of section headings and
summaries to enhance readability
Presentation of response according to appropriate academic and linguistic
• clarity, consistency and appropriateness of conventions for quoting, paraphrasing,
attributing sources of information, and listing references
• clarity and consistency in presenting tables and diagrams
• clarity and appropriateness of sentence structure, vocabulary use, spelling,
punctuation and word length.