Identification and placement processes

A new student enrolls in your school and according to all the identification and placement processes, you know the student qualifies for ELL services. As the ELL program coordinator, you follow the procedures for ensuring the student receives the appropriate support.

However, after some time has passed, you find out that colleagues in your building failed to follow through on their responsibilities and unfortunately the student has not been receiving the appropriate English language development support he is entitled to.

According to COE’s Professional Dispositions of Learners, how can a Christian worldview inform how you handle the situation in an ethical and morally respectable way? Discuss which professional dispositions you would demonstrate in your communication with colleagues and the family of the student.

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As an ELL program coordinator, I am responsible for ensuring that all students who qualify for ELL services receive the appropriate support. If I find out that colleagues in my building have failed to follow through on their responsibilities, I would take the following steps:

  1. I would first gather all of the relevant information. This would include the student’s identification and placement paperwork, as well as any documentation of the support that they have not been receiving.
  2. I would then meet with my colleagues to discuss the situation. I would explain the importance of providing ELL students with the support they need, and I would ask them why they did not follow through on their responsibilities.
  3. If my colleagues were unable to provide a satisfactory explanation, I would take further action. This could include speaking to my supervisor, or filing a complaint with the school district.

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In my communication with my colleagues and the family of the student, I would demonstrate the following professional dispositions:

  • Compassion: I would be understanding and empathetic to the situation. I would recognize that my colleagues may have made a mistake, and I would be willing to work with them to resolve the issue.
  • Integrity: I would be honest and truthful in my communication. I would not sugarcoat the situation, but I would also be fair and objective.
  • Responsibility: I would take ownership of the situation and take steps to resolve it. I would not blame others or make excuses.
  • Collaboration: I would work with my colleagues and the family of the student to find a solution that works for everyone. I would be open to feedback and suggestions.
  • Professionalism: I would conduct myself in a professional manner at all times. I would be respectful of everyone involved, even if I disagreed with them.

I believe that a Christian worldview can inform how I handle this situation in an ethical and morally respectable way. My faith teaches me the importance of compassion, integrity, responsibility, collaboration, and professionalism. These values would guide me in my communication with my colleagues and the family of the student.

I would also want to be mindful of the student’s family’s cultural background and their understanding of the educational system. I would want to be sensitive to their needs and concerns, and I would want to make sure that they understand what is happening and what their options are.

I believe that it is important to handle this situation in a way that is both ethical and respectful. I would want to do everything I can to ensure that the student receives the support they need, and I would want to maintain a positive working relationship with my colleagues.


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