How culture influences relationships—between parents and children and boyfriend and girlfriend.

Ashoke Ganguli (born in Calcutta, India) moves to America to study at an American university in New York. He returns to India to get married and he and his wife return to New York. Shortly thereafter they become parents of a boy and a few years later a girl. The children of these immigrants are very much Americanized and do not see things the same way their parents do. The son, Gogol, falls in love with Maxine Ratliff and moves in with her family, which hurts his parents deeply.

In this particular scene, Gogol’s mother wants him to come home to visit, but he has plans with his US American girlfriend.

Explain how culture influences relationships—between parents and children and boyfriend and girlfriend.
Why do differences exist in the way different cultures view different relationships?
List and explain the 3 dimensions of interpersonal relationships.

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Culture’s Influence on Relationships: The Ganguli Family

Culture plays a significant role in shaping relationships across various domains, as seen in the Ganguli family. Here’s a breakdown of the influences and underlying dimensions:

Parent-Child Relationships:

  • Collectivism vs. Individualism: Indian culture tends towards collectivism, emphasizing family obligations and respect for elders. American culture leans towards individualism, promoting personal independence and choice. This clash is evident in Gogol prioritizing his girlfriend over his parents’ wishes.

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  • Arranged Marriage vs. Romantic Love:Traditionally, arranged marriages are common in India, focusing on family compatibility. American culture emphasizes romantic love as the basis for marriage. Gogol’s choice to cohabitate with Maxine reflects this difference.

Boyfriend-Girlfriend Relationships:

  • Dating Norms:Dating customs vary. In some cultures, chaperones might be involved, or families might be introduced early on. American dating tends to be more casual initially, with less family involvement.

Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships:

  1. Social Status: Cultures differ in how social status impacts relationships. In some cultures, deference is shown to those of higher standing. American culture generally emphasizes equality in relationships.
  2. Affection/Emotional Closeness: Cultures vary in their expression of affection and emotional closeness. Physical touch and open displays of emotions might be more common in some cultures, while others might be more reserved.
  3. Context: The physical and social context surrounding communication is crucial. Nonverbal cues and the setting can influence how messages are interpreted. For example, silence might be seen as respect in some cultures, while in others, it might indicate disapproval.

Reasons for Cultural Differences:

  • History and Traditions:Cultural norms and expectations are shaped by historical experiences, religious beliefs, and societal structures.
  • Family Structure:Cultures with extended families might emphasize interdependence, while nuclear families might focus on individual autonomy.
  • Communication Styles:Direct and indirect communication styles influence how relationship dynamics unfold.

In Gogol’s case, the clash arises from the differing cultural values placed on family obligations and romantic love. Understanding these underlying dimensions can help bridge cultural gaps and foster stronger relationships.


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