Healthcare – Nursing

Topic: Healthcare – Nursing
Order Description
Part A maximum 200 words paragraph PASS / FAIL mark only given

Create a concept map about ADVOCACY capability with 5 key themes of Equity, Human Rights, Leadership, Advocacy & Affecting Change that will be discussed and leads onto FIVE underlying issues, causes, effects, viewpoints and assumptions that will be discussed that has impacted on you in the First Peoples Health and Practice .

Write a 200 word paragraph reflection describing how and why this capability has had an impact on you.

. Advocacy: Analyse how the health system is responsible for improving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples health including how health professionals can advocate for equitable outcomes and social justice for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait islander peoples and actively contribute to social change.

Part B Maximum. 2000 words is graded
Runs off Part A where research has been done and direction formed to write Part B

Write a critical reflective essay using/based on the Advocacy capability using the Critical Reflection Framework (Walker, Schultz & Sonn, 2014)

Critical reflection of an experience, situation or performance allows for deeper learning, insight and conscious decision making to improve and transform professional practice (Walker, Schultz & Sonn, 2014).

Critical reflection is identified in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Curriculum Framework as an important process to lifelong learning (Department of Health, 2014).

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