healthcare delivery analysis of sweden and the US
healthcare delivery analysis of sweden and the US
Paper details:
Previous item Page 3 of 7 Next item ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION Due Date Sunday, September 27, 2015 11:59 PM Points Possible 100 This assignment accounts for 30% of your course grade. Be sure to confine this assignment to 10 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and reference list). Address all components and follow the scoring rubric since this will be used to determine your grade. The individual graded assignment focuses on an in-depth analysis of the healthcare delivery systems of the United States and another country you have chosen. The analysis incorporates the beliefs, values, and economic perspectives of each country. Each country’s access and utilization of healthcare, the cost associated with healthcare delivery, as well as quality measures and outcomes are also explored. Underpinning of Healthcare Delivery Systems (20 Points) Compare and contrast the: Beliefs Values Economic perspectives (economic theories) that underpin the US healthcare delivery system and the healthcare delivery system from another country of your choice (can be a developed or developing country). Access and Utilization (10 Points) Compare and contrast the US Healthcare system to chosen country’s system: Accessibility (ability to obtain effective personal health services in a timely manner). The extent to which health services are used by the populations in the US and chosen country. Finance and Cost (10 Points) Compare and contrast the US Healthcare system to chosen country’s system: How both healthcare delivery systems are financed. The costs incurred by the people who utilize the respective systems. Quality and Outcomes (10 Points) Compare and contrast the Quality measures Outcomes that are used to evaluate the effectiveness of both healthcare delivery systems. Healthcare Delivery Analysis(30 Points) Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of both healthcare delivery systems related to quality improvement, policy development or implementation, and allocation of resources including the use of information technology. Based on the analysis, discuss your opinion regarding how each system meets the needs of the population served related to quality improvement, policy development or implementation, and allocation of resources including the use of information technology. Discuss strategies that could be implemented to improve both healthcare delivery systems, including performance improvement, policy development or implementation, and allocation of resources including the use of information technology. Scholarly Writing (20 Points) The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (6th ed.). Page Limit: 10 pages Prior to submitting your assignment to the assignment submission area – please see the video below for instructions on how to turn your paper in to Turnitin Instructions As part of your learning experience, you are provided access to a plagiarism prevention service called Turnitin. Using Turnitin serves as a learning experience and opportunity to correct any areas in your papers involving plagiarism or improper citation. You are required to submit your paper to Turnitin prior to submitting it in course submission area for grading. Once you submit your paper to, check your inbox in Turnitin for the results. After viewing your originality report correct the areas of your paper that warrant attention. You can re-submit your paper to Turnitin after 24-hours and continue to re-submit until the results are acceptable. Acceptable ranges include a cumulative total of less than 15% for your entire paper, and no particular area greater than 2% (excluding direct quotes and/or references).
This assignment accounts for 30% of your course grade. Be sure to confine this assignment to 10 pages (excluding title page, abstract, and reference list). Address all components and follow the scoring rubric since this will be used to determine your grade.?The individual graded assignment focuses on an in-depth analysis of the healthcare delivery systems of the United States and another country you have chosen. The analysis incorporates the beliefs, values, and economic perspectives of each country. Each country’s access and utilization of healthcare, the cost associated with healthcare delivery, as well as quality measures and outcomes are also explored.
1 Underpinning of Healthcare Delivery Systems (20 Points)
2 Compare and contrast the:
a Beliefs
b Values
c Economic perspectives (economic theories) that underpin the US healthcare delivery system and the healthcare delivery system from another country of your choice (can be a developed or developing country).
3 Access and Utilization (10 Points)
4 Compare and contrast the US Healthcare system to chosen country’s system:
a Accessibility (ability to obtain effective personal health services in a timely manner).
b The extent to which health services are used by the populations in the US and chosen country.
5 Finance and Cost (10 Points)
6 Compare and contrast the US Healthcare system to chosen country’s system:
a How both healthcare delivery systems are financed.
b The costs incurred by the people who utilize the respective systems.
7 Quality and Outcomes (10 Points)
8 Compare and contrast the
a Quality measures
b Outcomes that are used to evaluate the effectiveness of both healthcare delivery systems.
9 Healthcare Delivery Analysis(30 Points)
a Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of both healthcare delivery systems related to quality improvement, policy development or implementation, and allocation of resources including the use of information technology.
b Based on the analysis, discuss your opinion regarding how each system meets the needs of the population served related to quality improvement, policy development or implementation, and allocation of resources including the use of information technology.
c Discuss strategies that could be implemented to improve both healthcare delivery systems, including performance improvement, policy development or implementation, and allocation of resources including the use of information technology.
10 Scholarly Writing (20 Points)
11 The presentation and style of the paper are consistent with scholarly work and reflect use of APA format (6th ed.). Page Limit: 10 pages