Health services on particular health issue

Health services on particular health issue

Order Description

Dear Writer

It is 2000 word. It is a critical review on the way that health services have been organized and delivered to support your chosen health issue. The following optional topics:
• Management of Mental Health (e.g. Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
• Organising and improving care for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
• Lung Cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and preventing hospital admission
• Management of Disability in the community
• Management of Falls prevention in the community
• Self-management of chronic conditions

CXA309 / 2015 Assessment Task 2 – Major Essay
Assessment task 2: Major Essay (40%)
Task Description
Your task in this major essay is to draw on the knowledge and understandings gained in this unit to provide a critical review of ONE of the health issues listed below paying close attention to the intended learning outcomes for this unit and the weekly topics discussed during semester. There are numerous health issues that could form the basis for your essay and you are encouraged to select ONE of the topics below that is of professional and/or personal interest to you.
1. Management of Mental Health (e.g. Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
2. Organising and improving care for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
3. Lung Cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and preventing hospital admission
4. Management of Disability in the community
5. Management of Falls prevention in the community
6. Self-management of chronic conditions
Please feel free to discuss your ideas with your group facilitator if you have any concerns about choosing a topic.
The question
You are to critically review the way health services have been organized and delivered to support your chosen health issue. Being critical means not to criticize in a negative way but requires you to question the information and opinions in the literature and present an evaluation or judgement of the literature. To do this well, you should attempt to understand the topic from different perspectives (i.e. read related journal articles, reports, the ‘grey literature’) in relation to the weekly topics covered in this unit.
This review may require you to explore past, current and emerging challenges and opportunities associated with healthcare delivery, of the health issue you have chosen, which may require you to consider the factors such as disease trends, community expectations, workforce trends, health inequities, government policy and models of healthcare which all influence the changing landscape of Australian healthcare.
NB: Please avoiding a biomedical approach to describe and discuss your chosen health issue and instead use a social approach which focusses on the way health services have been organized and delivered.
There is no exact structure or format for presenting your major essay. There are some general guidelines for its completion. The essay should:
? Provide an introduction to the essay
? Critical review the literature
? Provide a conclusion and summary
? You are required to use an evidence-based approach by drawing upon the literature to support your findings including discipline-specific literature if applicable
CXA309 / 2015 Assessment Task 2 – Major Essay

Your essay and you are encouraged to select ONE of the topics below that is of professional and/or personal interest to you.
•    Management of Mental Health (e.g. Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)
•    Organising and improving care for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
•    Lung Cancer Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and preventing hospital admission
•    Management of Disability in the community
•    Management of Falls prevention in the community
•    Self-management of chronic conditions
Please feel free to discuss your ideas with your group facilitator if you have any concerns about choosing a topic.
Include an introduction to the essay and provide an outline of how the essay will be structured.
Provide a description of the topic that you have chosen.

Critical review – (which will include Research, Analysis and Discussion)
•    Critically reviewthe current delivery of health servicesrelevant to the health topic you have chosen
o    It might be relevant for you to look at this from a regional, state, or Australia wide perspective. It might be relevant to compare this to what is happening internationally.
•    Consider past challenges as well as emerging challenges and opportunities relevant to your health topic.
o    As above it might be relevant for you to look at this from a regional, state, or Australia wide perspective.  It might be relevant to compare this to what is happening internationally
•    Pay close attention to the weekly topics discussed during semester which might provide some insight into the current delivery of health care for your health issue:
1.    Australian healthcare system
2.    Healthy Communities – Ottawa Charter, Alma Ata Declaration, Social Determinants of Health, Primary Healthcare
3.    Implications on healthcare workforce
4.    Rural health implication and self-management in chronic disease
5.    E-Health considerations
6.    Global Health
7.    Emergency and disaster management
8.    Mental health implications
9.    Migrant and Refugee health
10.    Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander considerations
11.    Intellectual and physical Disability and its implications on health care delivery.
•    NB: Please avoiding a biomedical approach to describe and discuss your chosen health issue and instead use a social approach which focusses on the way health services have been organized and delivered.

•    Include a summary of your insights resulting from your critical review which may include past, current as well as emerging issues and challenges
•    The conclusion should provide evidence of insightfulness and critical thinking.

Reference List
•    The number of references that are required for this essay are up to you and dependent on where your research takes you
•    As a rough guide in previous year some students have included anywhere from 5-20 references.
•    You can use the journal articles as well as the ‘grey literature’. Grey literature is informally published written material (such as reports from government and non-government sources) that may be difficult to trace via conventional channels such as published journals and monographs because it is not published commercially or is not widely accessible. It may nonetheless be an important source of information for researchers, because it tends to be original and recent. Examples of grey literature include technical reports from government agencies (e.g. W.H.O) or scientific research groups, working papers from research groups or committees and white papers.

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