Health Assignment

Health Assignment

After completing this exercise you will be able to:
1- Discuss the range of factors (determinants) that maybe related to a variety of diseases conditions and levels of health that maybe observed in different populations;
2- Explain how the multiple determinants associated with any specific condition may be related to each other in a conceptual framework.
Write an introduction, a page diagram, one/ two page explanation and a conclusion.

After completing this exercise you will be able to:
1-    Discuss the range of factors (determinants) that maybe related to a variety of diseases conditions and levels of health that maybe observed in different populations;
2-    Explain how the multiple determinants associated with any specific condition may be related to each other in a conceptual framework.

Task description:
Look at the matrix below.
The first column lists a range of determinants that maybe associated with the health and disease of certain populations.
The first row lists some health problems. Follow steps below in carrying out this exercise.
Health across the life span: Frameworks, contexts and Measurement determinants and Frameworks Matrix

Determinants    Hypertension    Asthma    Cardiovascular disease    Motor vehicle injuries      Autism
Literacy / Education
Race/ ethnicity
Health- services
National Policy
Mass media
Social network

Follow the steps below in carrying out this exercise:
1.    Select one health problem from the first row that you know something about in terms of its “cause”
2.    For each of the determinants listed, consider whether the determinant plays any role in contributing to the health problem in a population. If it does not have any effect on the problem, place a minus sign (-) in the box in the matrix and go the next determinant.
3.    For those determinants that you think will have an effect o the health problem, consider whether they operate as an underlying determinants or a proximate determinant. If underlying determinant, put a “(U)” in the box; if proximate determinant, put a “(P)” in the box.
4.    Next for the selected health problem, draw a conceptual diagram showing how these determinants may be (causally) related to each other and to the selected health problem.

5.    Based on your diagram, explore two questions; how might you design a study to test whether one or more of these factors might have a “causal” relationship in a particular population? Does your diagram suggest where to intervene and what intervention(s) might ne most important in reducing the health problem?

Write an introduction, a page diagram, one/ two page explanation and a conclusion.

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