Globalization of business

This paper will be a no more than 3-page reflection on what YOU have learned about:

the globalization of business operations
o What are the key dynamics underlying the globalization of business? How are

these changing? How might they change in the future?

the unique qualities the business climate of our area of study brings to the global

o What are the differences and similarities in business norms and practices between

the US and the area we studied, both overt and subtle? How representative are

these of the wider region we are studying?

what you will need to do to further develop your global mindset to become an effective
global manager.

o What frameworks or ideas presented during our trip were most beneficial to you

to identify strengths and areas of needed improvement for you to become a more

effective global manager?

In preparing your response to this assignment, you should draw from the content of the

speakers who presented, the global applied case competition, assigned readings, workshops,

and other activities. Connect the insights and lessons that you have derived from the

assigned readings to what you actually saw in practice. Discuss both the consistencies and

inconsistencies. Integrate all these into a personal reflection on the new knowledge and

insights that you have gained about the globalization of business operations.

Refer to the Global Mindset framework found in Appendix B of this syllabus as a way of

exploring the various aspects of your global competency and any gaps you may have or want

to strengthen.

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