Globalization and the World Economy

Topic: Globalization and the World Economy
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really want to get A+ for this report. So please help.


For this assignment you will discuss how e-commerce is or will be subject to current or likely significant future disruption and prepare a report and presentation that examines:
1. The nature of the disruptive threat
2. How this is/will impact on business models, industry structure, pricing and innovation
3. The major competitive pressures on the industry and the likely winners/losers
4. The implications of the disruption for business strategy and policy

Other requirements:

1. 3000 word report
2. Include Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Introduction, Conclusion and Recommendations
3. Be concise and clear
4. Use words like “This report finds that….”
5. Be critically reflective and ethical international business professionals
6. Be effective thinkers and problem solvers

Your report should reflect the following learning outcomes :

1. Critically reflect on and discuss the changing nature of the world economy and its implications for international business activity.
2. Critically reflect on and discuss the contemporary structure of the world economy, particularly developed and emerging economies.
3. Analyse the evolution of international business strategies and how these have responded to changing conditions.
4. Critically reflect on and discuss the growth of externalised international business activity including outsourcing, offshoring, contract manufacturing and the rise of the global factory.

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