gifted education
gifted education
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Having viewed youtube, powerpoint and read the textbook chapters as required and thought about these ideas, you are asked to complete this series of short answer questions.
Text: (Neihart, M., Reis, S., Robinson, N. & Moon, S. (Editors). (2002). The social and emotional development of gifted children: What do we know? Waco, Texas: Prufrock Press.) Chapters 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, Introduction & Final chapter
o Meet some gifted children in a short NAGC videoURL
• Video – gifted individualsURL
This short film conveys a patchwork of diverse gifted individuals
– write 2 common factors to look for – their passion and their need to find an outlet or some sort of support for or management of their passion?
• Daniel Goleman talking about social intelligenceURL
• Daniel Goleman talking about emotional intelligenceURL
• Danah Zahar talking about spiritual IntelligenceURL
Danah is talking about a leadership course that includes attention to developing spiritual intelligence. Consider
Anwser this qusation ?
– what she says about the importance of developing spiritual intelligence in schools. Are there some children who have spiritual giftedness?
• Csikszentmihalyi: What makes a life worth living?