Flexibility’ is a necessary attribute of a modern tourism and hospitality manager

Topic: Flexibility’ is a necessary attribute of a modern tourism and hospitality manager

Order Description
2 separated writings required.

Weeks 8–10 inclusive
Length: Maximum 200 words per blog post and a minimum of one post per week
Your second community Blog extends your knowledge of a master manager by thinking, analysing and discussing ideas and exploring the concepts of competing and paradoxical master manager characteristics.
Once again you will gather academic and other material to re ect your views on management, as well as generating an online debate about management, managerial styles and your own response to the CVF survey and resulting ‘spiderweb’.
Your task
Gather academic and other materials which re ect your views on ‘ e Topic’:
‘Flexibility’ is a necessary attribute of a modern tourism and hospitality manager
and prepare a summary. You will post a summary at the start of each week over two weeks and then actively engage in discussion and debate with a community of MTLs on the relevance and importance of your material. e third week will see a topic/question posted by the Unit Assessor which will provide MTLs with a themed blog interaction.
A focus of the second blog (Part B) is for MTLs to link your research and ideas back to some of the discussions in the rst blog. Although conversation and interaction are important outcomes, the linking of ideas and informed debate will result in a more informed awareness of the competencies of a Master Manager.
Remember, to be an active ‘management team learner’ within your community, our expectation is that you will (in addition to your original summary post) access, contribute and engage in discussion at least once per week.

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