Financial Reform in Australia and China Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur,Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright/RDP 2014-10 Review Essay Task Part A: Summary of your OWN words of the article I have chosen to review. 1. DO NOT OUTSOURCE OTHER ARTICLES, STICK WITH THE ARTICLE THAT I HAVE CHOSEN ONLY 2. DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR OWN OPINION IN THIS PART 3. DO NOT USE FIGURES, GRAPHS, EQUATIONS FROM THE ARTICLES 4. AT LEAST 800 WORDS, BUT NOT EXCEEDING 850 WORDS Part B: Evaluation and Appraisal of the article that I have chosen. 1. DO NOT OUTSOURCE OTHER ARTICLES, STICK WITH THE ARTICLE THAT I HAVE CHOSEN ONLY 2. Appraisal means you express your thoughts about the article. Eg, whether the article is full of insightful remarks, whether the article gives adequate consideration/analysis of the main issues, or if the article covers too much or too little ground, any additional aspects should be included in the article. 3. AT LEAST 800 WORDS, BUT NOT EXCEEDING 850 WORDS Research Discussion Paper Financial Reform in Australia and China Alexander Ballantyne, Jonathan Hambur, Ivan Roberts and Michelle Wright RDP 2014-10
Name ITCM 203 – Construction methods and materials
According to the Unified Soil Classification System, what classification would be given to a non-plastic soil sample with the following sieve analysis results?
A. Circle Soil: Coarse grain fine grain
B. Circle Soil: Gravel Sand
C. Plot the sieve analysis on grain size distribution graph
D. Find D60 Find D30 Find D10
E. Coefficient of uniformity, CU
F. Coefficient of Curvature, CC
G. Find Group Symbol