FINAL PROJECT WORKSHOP ASSESSMENT/ Programme Director – Clive Woollard February 15

FINAL PROJECT WORKSHOP ASSESSMENT/ Programme Director – Clive Woollard February 15

Description of the Assignment:
At Level 6 students need to display understanding of their subject area, being able to deal with complex and uncertain real World environments to critically evaluate and undertake suitable, contextually driven strategies. (Summary of FHEQ (2012) requirements for Level 6). This assignment will assess the preparedness of the student to undertake the Final Project.
There are two deliverables for the assignment:
? Part One: (weight 80%) A critical discussion of theories underlying the chosen project of the student. Your report should outline the following:
o The title of the project and justification,
o A suitable research question,
o A hypothesis based on secondary research,
o A research methodology.
? Part Two: (weight 20%) A presentation outlining the above work.
Part One Written assignment (max 2000 words)
This is an academic piece of work therefore you are expected to link theory and practice in Part One. You should take care to ensure that the work you submit has a high standard of presentation. You must acknowledge the sources of information and evidence using the Harvard Referencing System.
Programme Director – Clive Woollard February 15
Part Two Presentation (max 12 slides, 10 minutes)
Part Two is a presentation contributing 20% of the overall assessment.
Structure of the Assignment:
The report should contain the following sections:
? Cover page with title
? Student name and number
? Date and word count
? Table of contents
? Introduction and background to industry / organisation
? Why this project is important to you?
? What are your primary sources of data?
o Academic
o Contextual
? What is your research question?
o Is it SMART?
? What is your hypothesis?
o What do you believe is the answer to the research question?
? Methodology?
o How are you going to test if your hypothesis is true?
o What forms of Primary data collection are you going to use?
Bibliography and Appendices
These should be extensive and outline your major academic theories
Programme Director – Clive Woollard February 15
Format of the Assignment:
Students which exceed the maximum guideline of 2000 words (part one) excluding cover page, table of contents, reference list and appendices, and (part two 12 slides, 10 minutes), by more than ten percent will be penalised.
An electronic copy of the assignment and presentation slides together with a bound hard copy must be handed in by the due date.
Plagiarism, poor grammar, and spelling are unacceptable. Students should refer to the academic regulations and the Portal for advice on what is acceptable when writing a written report.
See your local Student Portal for submission details and due date.
Programme Director – Clive Woollard February 15


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