Final Project

Topic: Final Project

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expect you to complete a full understanding of all five components listed below (and in your syllabus). I have given hints/guidelines underneath each, but please feel free to include your own ideas about what each should include.

1. Name of Organization

2. Mission Statement

– Your mission statement should be a brief written statement of your organization’s purpose

– Mission statements clarify principles and guide decisions

– Mission statements make the organizational goal(s) and clear and provide


3. Organizational chart

– Your chart should show the structure of your organization

– Your chart should show relationships and “ranks” between parts/departments and positions/jobs

4. Job descriptions

– Provide a job description for each position/job in your organizational chart

– Each job description is typically list of the general functions and responsibilities

– Job descriptions usually include to whom the position reports, specifications such as the qualifications needed by the person in the job, salary range

5. Document on healthy workplace policies

– A healthy workplace is an environment where both the people are healthy and the organization they work in is healthy

– You are probably already aware of this, but will learn more about, the idea that employee health is strongly connected to productivity and therefore linked with the success of an organization

– Your “Healthy Workplace Policy” should be designed to define and support healthy lifestyle choices within your organization

– Healthy workplace policies help to clarify roles and expectations between employees and employers. Identify your personal beliefs and values about what keeps employees healthy (and therefore makes a workplace more productive) and then BE CREATIVE about creating your own ideas and policies. Remember that safety policies are not necessarily healthy workplace policies. Examples:

*Policies regarding food choices catering for meetings and vending machines

* Exercise or meditation room/policy

* Having a breastfeeding supportive workplace policy”

Those are her instructions to the final project.. I have the project proposal and the outline that were due a while ago and will upload it.

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