Final Paper
Topic: Final Paper
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In this final essay for the class, you will compose on one of two arguments: (1) a defense or (2) a refutation of the concept of ethics as a topic of study, deliberation, discussion, and as a means to guide one’s actions. Essentially, what can ethics be?
To do this you will need to compose an essay that includes at least two steps. Propose a conception of what ethics is, and then defend this conception against possible objections. Use any resources that we have read in the class in order to write your essay. This means draw from Aristotle’s conception of ethics, or Kant’s, or Mill’s. Use one of these in order to develop your argument. You may also—and are encouraged—to use any of the essays that we read at the end of the semester (Arpaly, Williams, Diamond, Kittay, etc). Additionally, feel free to use anything you have written to put forth the strongest essay possible.
Ultimately, what I want to get from your essay is how you understand the concept of ethics after taking this class. However, what I do not want is a free form opinion piece about what ‘your personal ethics’ is. This is not about your opinions per se, but about what you can argue for. This should be as argumentative and serious as any other essay you have written for this class.
Remember that you need a thesis and an argument that proves that thesis.