final P421c

final P421c
Order Description
the research topic is part of the presentation that you did order ( 81642478)(“Immigration and the changing racial and ethnic composition in the U.S.” )
plz follow the instructions beneath and plz no plagiarism it will be checked

The following are the elements that you should include in your research question.
who are careful to include all of the following elements will get full credit.
Gonzales, Roberto
Lives in Limbo
Gonzalez, Juan. (
Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America
Martinez, Oscar.
The Beast: Riding the Rails and
Dodging Narcos on the
Migrant Trail
Chapman, Peter.
Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Changed the World
Devine, Jack. (2014).
What Really Happened in Chile.
Foreign Affairs

Your paper should demonstrate careful reflection and thou
ght about the
subject. Your willingness to consider different perspectives and to articulate the
complexities of the subject is highly recommended.

Your paper should not be difficult to read and your sentences
should follow logically tow
ards the overall thinking of your paper. Your writing
should be coherent and focused.

Please be careful to avoid run

on sentences, misused commas or
fragment sentences. Your sentences should be direct and clear.

This is importan
t. Your job is to prove you read and came to class
include citations where they are necessary. You can choose your own style for
citations, but you should be consistent. It is best for these assignments to include
citations in the text. For exampl
e, “
says…”. That is sufficient.

Your writing should be interesting and engaging, and should reflect some
effort into the subject. Avoid typing errors. Spell

check your paper and do not write
shorthand, texting jargon, foul language, etc.

Your discussion should be no more t
han 10 pages long and no less than 8
pages. Your papers should be double

spaced with reasonable margins. Please use a
standard 12

point font (Ariel, Times New Roman, Garamond, etc.). Please save your
files as a PDF and upload that onto BBLearn.

Stay close to the language used by
the authors and in our discussions.

Explain in detail what your
research project and presentation was about.

How is this relevant to our understanding of immigration today, as well as solutions
that ad
dress the problems created by our immigration system.

Make sure you address these questions:
How has American policies influenced the problems you are researching?
What barriers are there to finding solutions to these problems?

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