Family perceive about health and illness

Of your own health experiences and the way they have been impacted by your own socio-cultural background and how you think about health.
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 Firstly, think about how your family perceive about health and illness.
 What is their understanding of health and illness? How do they treat illness? How do they decide when medical help needed? What are their preferred ways of managing health and illness?
 Secondly, compare how your personal view about health and illness with how your family and other people in your community see it.
 What is your personal view around health and illness? Is it similar to what your family think, or it is different and why? Is your family act differently to the most people in the community? If they are different, then explain why and how their behaviour was shaped in a way that is different to others in the community.
 Thirdly, critique about the responsibility to health and managing illnesses.
 Who do you think is responsible for health – the individual involved, the family, the society in which he or she lives, the government, health services or others? Discuss why you think that way.
 Finally, discuss how socio-cultural context of populations impacts health.
 Discuss the ways socio-cultural context of population might affect professional practice in public health, including why it is necessary for a public health practitioner to be aware of socio-cultural differences in health.

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