Explain, analyze, and evaluate Plato’s view that philosophers should be the ones to rule.(choose one from 12 topics)

Explain, analyze, and evaluate Plato’s view that philosophers should be the ones to rule.(choose one from 12 topics)
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Topics: Choose one of the topics below.
1. Compare the depictions of Socrates in The Clouds and The Republic.
2. Evaluate the claim that it is possible to see The Republic as a response to The Clouds.
3. Explain, analyze, and evaluate Plato’s view that philosophers should be the ones to rule.
4. Explain Thrasymachus’ view of justice and then explain, analyze, and
evaluate Socrates response to this view.
5. Explain, analyze, and evaluate Plato’s critique of democracy.
6. Explain, analyze, and evaluate Socrates’ critique of poets.
7. Compare and analyze Aristotle and Plato’s views of pleasure (as seen in the assigned texts).
8. Compare, analyze and evaluate Plato and Aristotle’s understanding of justice.
9. Explain, analyze, and evaluate Aristotle’s philosophy of friendship.
10. Compare, analyze, and evaluate the role assigned by reason/rationality in living a happy life according to Plato and Aristotle.
11. Explain, analyze, and evaluate Aristotle’s understanding of pleasure.
12. How does Aristotle respond to the Platonic (Socratic?) idea that “to know the good is to do it?”
Thesis. Your essay must be governed by a thesis that (a) responds directly to the essay topic, (b) is arguable, and (c) is stated at the end of the first paragraph having clearly defined all the central terms.
Textual Support. Your thesis must be supported by major interpretive claims (topic sentences) that are supported by at least one appropriate quote per body paragraph. Your ability to select, interpret, and apply the appropriate textual evidence is key to doing well with the essay. You should cite all texts using the standard notation (not page numbers):
Plato, Republic 338b-c.

Reasoning. You must consistently use and apply logical reasoning in developing your thesis.
Audience. You are writing for an educated audience very familiar with these texts.

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