Evolving Issues In Health Care

respond to the following:

Use the Internet to research the U.S. health care delivery system and the health care system of two other countries in regard to spending per capita and ranking of health care outcomes. Compare and contrast the U.S. health care delivery system relative to spending per capita and the ranking of health care outcomes with the health care system of two other countries. Provide at least one aspect of the systems from each country selected to support your response.

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The United States spends significantly more on healthcare per capita than most developed nations, yet health outcomes lag behind many. Let’s compare the US system to two other countries:

Country 1: Japan

  • Spending: Japan spends roughly half per capita on healthcare compared to the US ($4,100 vs. $12,538 in 2021) (https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SH.XPD.CHEX.PC.CD?locations=1W).
  • Outcomes: Japan boasts a longer life expectancy (84.6 years vs. 78.6 years in the US) and lower infant mortality rates (2.1 deaths per 1,000 live births vs. 5.4 in the

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Aspect to Consider: Universal Coverage: Japan’s single-payer system provides universal health insurance for all citizens. This ensures preventive care and early intervention, contributing to better overall health outcomes.

Country 2: South Korea

Aspect to Consider: Focus on Preventative Care: South Korea emphasizes preventative screenings and vaccinations. Government-sponsored programs ensure accessibility and contribute to better population health.

Contrasting the US System:

The US healthcare system is a complex mix of public and private insurance, with a significant portion of the population uninsured. This fragmented system leads to:

  • High Administrative Costs:Multiple insurance companies and billing processes drive up administrative costs, diverting resources from patient care.
  • Unequal Access:Lack of universal coverage creates disparities in access to preventive care and treatment.
  • Focus on Treatment over Prevention:The US healthcare system often prioritizes treatment of existing conditions over preventative measures.


The US spends considerably more on healthcare than many developed nations, yet health outcomes fall short. By learning from countries like Japan and South Korea, which prioritize preventative care and ensure wider access through universal coverage, the US healthcare system could potentially achieve better outcomes while optimizing resource allocation.




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