Ethics and business corruption

Topic: Ethics and business corruption

Order Description
Assessment task title: Individual assignment: Research essay.

Details of Task: This individual assignment provides the opportunity for students to do research and write an essay. It aims to develop students’ writing and research skills. Students are expected to demonstrate responsible global citizenship by providing an evidence-based, argumentative response to an ethical issue, and by indicating what course of action would be recommended by a responsible global citizenship approach to the issue under consideration.
You are required to explore the ethical and business dimensions of a chosen issue falling under ONE of the topics covered in the unit. An exploration of the international/global/cross-cultural dimensions of the issue is encouraged where applicable.
In this assignment you will be expected to:
? Clarify which specific issue you will be researching: be specific when defining the boundaries;
? Conduct a review of the research literature on your selected issue, and summarise your findings in the Background section of the assignment (conduct a database search, operate a selection of secondary data that are directly relevant to the researched issue, and use at least 10 academic references for your assignment);
? Explain the ethical theories you will use to analyse the issue (you can also utilise ethical perspectives from non-Western cultures);
? Analyse the issue from the perspective of the selected ethical theories; and
? Develop a conclusion about what is ethical and/ or unethical within your selected issue. You will need to use ethics to justify your position.
NOTE: The specific issue/ examples chosen are expected to include the cases discussed in tutorials, though similar issues may be used.
The research essay should have the following headings:
? Introduction 10 %(includes the purpose and outline of the paper);
Background (includes the literature review);
? Background 10%(includes the literature review);
? Explanation 20%-to what extent have the relevant tenets of the selected ethical theories been clearly explained.Using your own words to present this part of the paper is highly encouraged
? Analysis and evaluation 30%(examines the evidence and applies the theory to the specific issue);
? Personal reflections / Implications for business practice 10% (allows for reference to personal experiences and/or highlights the appropriate business practices recommended by the theoretical principles discussed previously);
? Conclusion 10%(summarises the findings and recommendations derived from the analysis).
To achieve good results in this assignment, you should use as a guide the key questions presented in the Criteria for marking section below.

Are the purpose and outline of the paper clearly stated? Are the ethical concepts and theories that will be considered, and their relationship to the topic (issue) addressed, clearly identified? Background (Literature review):
Has relevant literature been selected for review? Does the review clearly show how the evidence is related to the issue discussed? Analysis and Evaluation:
Have theories been appropriately applied to analyse the issue at stake, evaluate the different perspectives involved, and adopt a position based on the examined evidence? Paraphrasing and correct referencing are to be used where appropriate. Using your own words to present this part of the paper is highly encouraged.
Personal reflections / Implications for business practice:
Has appropriate reference been made to personal experiences (if available)? Have ethical business practices been recommended? If possible, try to be specific about a particular situation where you may draw on this approach to guide decision making in business.
Has an appropriate conclusion been drawn from the whole exercise? Does the conclusion clearly and concisely summarise the main points from the previous sections? In this section, you may want to offer some suggestions that require further research.

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