Essay about “6: Esther”.

Write papers from the 2020 course essay about “6: Esther”.
Write about 2 pages. Tell me something important that you see about that book, e.g., its genre or some main theme or point. Be smart and open. There are further directions below, and we will discuss in class.

Discernments are due ahead of the discussion. Discernments are to be written on the 11 starred texts. : 1 Samuel 1-20; 24-25; 31; 2 Samuel 1; 7; 11-24; 1 Kings 1-4. Second Discernment on 3 short Prophets: Amos & Hosea & Micah. 3: Genesis;
4: Ecclesiastes; 5: Exodus; 6: Esther; 7: Daniel; 8: Paul, to Galatians & to Philemon; 9: Matthew;
10: Hebrews; 11: Gospel of John.
What is the book about? What is interesting or significant about it? What sort of book is it? The discernment should reflect what you discern in the text to be of central importance and interest. It should reflect engaged and dialogic reading, attuned to the agenda discovered in the text. Listen carefully and openly. A good discernment will reveal you to a degree, and especially the text; it will reveal the fruit of your reading carefully this text at this time.

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