Eliminating Microaggressions

In this unit, we focus our attention on language and meaning, how language functions, and why it’s challenging for many of us to use language effectively and ethically. The material in Lessons 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3 are key to understanding the following assignment, so please make sure you study the reading carefully.

Then open the following link and review the article Microaggressions: Death by a Thousand CutsLinks to an external site.

You’ll next want to watch the following video. Let the message wash over you but stay attuned in particular to the suggestions of how to eliminate microaggressions.

Eliminating Microaggressions: The Next Level of Inclusion | Tiffany Alvoid | TEDxOakland. (n.d.). Www.youtube.com. https://youtu.be/cPqVit6TJjw

Finally, contemplate and respond to all of the following prompts:

In your own words, what are microaggressions and how can they impact an individual who is targeted?
Why should we study microaggressions in an interpersonal communication class?
How might we curtail microaggressions in a classroom?
Spend time with this. Ultimately, you want to develop a minimum of 15 to 20 sentences for this assignment. Contemplate what you learned in this week’s reading, the article, the video, and what you’ve discovered so far about needing to think before you speak.

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