Dying Teenager

Dying Teenager

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Case study:
A 15 years old teenager with a recent history of severe headaches was admitted unconscious following a fall subsequent scan shows that prognosis is poor . The fall was due to mass. she is currently in a induced coma, and is comfortable her parents would like her to be brought out of the coma so she may be told she is dying and for parents sake to have their opportunity to say their farewells. due to seriousness of the matter it was referred to the clinical ethics committee for a final decision of whether or not should the teenager be awaken.
The written assessment should be divided into:
1. An introduction including what the analysis aims to do and the central legal and ethical question/s;
2. Main discussion: a discussion of relevant ethical and legal principles and their application to the case. There should be a logical separation of the issues and adequate, appropriate application of principles. Do not focus on just one area at the expense of another area (i.e. primarily focusing on ethics and not law; or only focussing on one issue). Ethics and law should both feature relatively equally.
3. A conclusion asserting what you paper aimed to do, what the key issues you identified were, and what you have concluded from your analysis. New information should not be included in the conclusion.

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