Dominance In Culture

You just viewed a scene from the film “Hotel Rwanda” starring Don Cheadle. This film is an account of the genocide that took places in this country in 1994. For hundreds of years, the two major tribes of Rwanda were the Hutu and the Tutsi. They lived together with no animosity between them. When Belgium colonized Rwanda, they gave preferential treatment to the Tutsi because they (the Belgium’s), thought the Tutsi’s to be “superior” due to the fact that they were taller, their skin was lighter and their noses where pointier. This caused a divide between individuals of Hutu and Tutsi descent even after the era of colonization came to an end. As new generations were born, they no longer blamed the Belgium’s, they blamed the Tutsi’s themselves because the new generation of Tutsi’s (growing up in this divided culture) began to see themselves as different from the Hutu.
In this particular scene, a hotel manger (who is a Hutu) by the name of Paul is buying supplies from a distributor and fellow Hutu. Paul is hiding Tutsi friends and neighbors in his hotel and the news is spreading that Paul is a Tutsi (Hutu’s also refer to them as cockroaches) sympathizer.

What does your text say about Dominance and Subordination between Groups?

How did the discrimination by the Belgium’s change the cultural perceptions of these people?

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1. Frontline Workers in Corporate Communications:

  • Information dissemination: Frontline workers directly interact with customers and can relay valuable feedback, concerns, and market trends to management.
  • Brand ambassadors: Their positive engagement with customers can shape perceptions and promote brands organically.
  • Crisis communication: During issues, they can be crucial in de-escalating situations, providing accurate information, and maintaining customer trust.

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Internal Communication Effectiveness:

  • Transparency and clarity: Keeping employees informed about the situation, its impact, and planned actions fosters trust and cooperation.
  • Open communication channels: Providing avenues for employees to ask questions, voice concerns, and offer suggestions ensures all voices are heard.
  • Empathy and support: Acknowledging the challenges faced by frontline workers and providing additional support during peak periods or crises is crucial.

3. Comparison with KFC Crisis and Recent Controversies:

  • Similarities: Scarcity-driven hype, social media influence, supply chain disruptions, and potential operational challenges.
  • Differences: Specific triggers (tweet vs. marketing campaign), duration (limited vs. extended), brand responses (humorous vs. apologetic), and overall impact (short-term vs. long-term).

Recent Controversies:

  • Chick-fil-A: Sauce shortage due to supply chain issues, highlighting dependence on specific ingredients.
  • Chipotle: Foodborne illness outbreaks, emphasizing food safety concerns.
  • McDonald’s: McFlurry machine breakdowns, raising questions about equipment maintenance and customer satisfaction.

Remember, these are general scenarios, and specific details can vary greatly depending on the company and situation. Analyzing real-world cases requires access to specific information about internal communication strategies and external factors.

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