Does Congress Represent The Citizenry?

Web Quest

Your Task: Research the following information about Congress. Use the information that you find to answer today’s essential question: Does Congress Represent the Citizenry?

Step #1: Congress as a Whole vs. The United States Population (see link below)
Research the topics in the following chart. Bullet note your findings in the “research” column & compare it to the national census data linked here. Use this comparison to write a claim in the final column about today’s essential question: Does Congress represent the citizenry?
Topic Research (3 bullet notes max) Source (s) Does Congress Represent the Citizenry? Yes/No, why?
Source: US Data

Demographics: Age

Socioeconomic status (wealth)

Step #2: Our Representatives
Research Congressman Himes and ONE of the Senators who make up Connecticut Congressional representatives below. Use the source provided to research this elected official’s background & record (Consider their leadership position, what committees they are on, what bills they have proposed, if they are very ideological/partisan). Compare it with information about our state and our Congressional district.
Representative Notes – What did you learn? How does this compare to our district/state? Does Congress Represent the Citizenry? Yes/No, why?
Source: Congressional district & state

Representative Jim Himes **

Senator Richard Blumenthal

Senator Chris Murphy

Step #3: Use the information above to create a tweet to Congress as a whole or one of our representatives. Your tweet should address today’s essential question: Does Congress Represent the Citizenry?

Paste a screenshot of your tweet here.

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