Decision Making Investigation

As a healthcare manager, you will need to make ethical decisions that will have an impact on your employees and the organization. Completing this ethical review process will help with your decision-making and help you explain the theories, values, and methodologies used in making ethical decisions.

Discuss your experiences with ethics, including your ethical values, ethical theories, and an ethical decision you made. Remember, as you share your ethical experiences with your faculty member, do not discuss information and details regarding a company or individual by name that is not public information.

Respond to the following investigation prompts in 75-150 words each:

Identify an ethical dilemma you may encounter in the workplace. (Your answer to this item does not need to be 75-150 words.)
Describe how you would use an ethical problem-solving methodology or decision model to investigate your current ethical dilemma.
Describe the possible solutions and impacts of making decisions about this dilemma.
Explain what impact your values may have on your decision.
Explain what impact 2 specific ethical theories may have on your decision for the dilemma.
Explain what impact 2 specific ethical principles may have on your decision.
Explain how you could use this formal ethical problem-solving method to have a positive impact on future ethical decisions in the workplace.

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Ethical dilemma

One ethical dilemma that I may encounter in the workplace is whether or not to hire a candidate who has a criminal record. On the one hand, I want to give everyone a fair chance and I believe that people can change. On the other hand, I have a responsibility to my employees and the organization to create a safe and productive work environment.

Ethical problem-solving methodology

To investigate this ethical dilemma, I would use a modified version of the PLUS ethical decision-making model:

  1. Prepare: Identify the dilemma and gather relevant information.

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  1. List your options: Generate a list of possible courses of action.
  2. Understand the consequences: Consider the potential consequences of each option for yourself, your employees, and the organization.
  3. Select the best option: Choose the option that you believe is the most ethical and in the best interests of all involved.

Applying the PLUS model to the ethical dilemma


The first step is to identify the dilemma and gather relevant information. In this case, the dilemma is whether or not to hire a candidate with a criminal record. I need to gather information about the candidate’s criminal history, the nature of the offense, and how long ago it occurred. I also need to consider the job requirements and the safety of my employees and the organization.

List your options

Once I have gathered all of the relevant information, I can start to list my options. My options include:

  • Hiring the candidate.
  • Not hiring the candidate.
  • Hiring the candidate on a conditional basis, such as requiring them to undergo a background check or to complete a probationary period.
  • Referring the candidate to another organization.

Understand the consequences

For each option, I need to consider the potential consequences for myself, my employees, and the organization.

If I hire the candidate, I may be criticized by my employees or the public. I may also be held liable if the candidate commits a crime while employed by the organization. However, I may also be giving someone a second chance and helping them to become a productive member of society.

If I do not hire the candidate, I may be discriminating against them based on their criminal history. I may also be missing out on a qualified candidate.

If I hire the candidate on a conditional basis, I can reduce the risk to myself, my employees, and the organization. However, this option may be more time-consuming and expensive.

If I refer the candidate to another organization, I am avoiding the ethical dilemma altogether. However, I may be sending a message that people with criminal records are not welcome in my organization.

Select the best option

Once I have considered all of the potential consequences, I need to select the option that I believe is the most ethical and in the best interests of all involved.

In this case, I would likely choose to hire the candidate on a conditional basis. This would allow me to give the candidate a second chance, while also protecting myself, my employees, and the organization.


The PLUS ethical decision-making model is a valuable tool for resolving ethical dilemmas in the workplace. By following the four steps of the model, I can make informed and ethical decisions that are in the best interests of all involved.

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