Cultural Artifact Speech Outline

I. Intro

a. Attention Getter

Kahlil Gibran once said “ Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.”

b. Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility

I didn’t really understand these words until I started playing piano. I started learning piano since I was 12 years old, and I got my first full size piano for my 14th birthday.


c. Thesis

Music in general opens up a whole new realm of a few of the world’s finest and unknown places. Music speaks to us no matter what’s our language, culture, or educational level.

d. Preview of Main Points

Piano is one of the easiest instruments to learn. Piano sounds great even when missing up some notes when you start learning. It also enables you to explore something unlike anything else you’ve done before.

II. Body

a. How the object is used in and part of the culture:

  1. Pianos are much more expensive than other instruments but owning one is very essential if you really want to learn and practice. The piano provid sufficient volume to ensure that everyone in the audience is able to hear the piano’s sound and understand what the musician was performing. Many institutions and huge residences are equipped with pianos, and it became a beloved instrument all across the world.
  2. When my entire extended family get altogether, my brother and I will play a piano and violin where we will make sure that every member of the family is entertained.

b. How the object represents important values or traditions in the culture:

  1. Music became very important since the pharaonic Egyptian. Many musical instruments were represented in the ancient Egyptian’s carving and paintings. We grow up seeing and listening to many great musicians and singers. Music wasn’t just a way for entertainment, but it also shows the values, faith, union, and sophistication of our culture. Most of the ancient Egyptian instruments were handheld, unlike the piano which was one of the western instruments adapted to Egyptian’s music in the 18th century.
  2. A piano might be calm and indicate contentment, while it can represent romance from another perspective. Symbols of aristocracy, achievement, loneliness, and seclusion are represented by the French horn. The trumpet, trombone, as well as other brass instruments evoke feelings of enthusiasm and vigor in the listener. A marimba indicates joyful music, as well as a solo cello represents melancholy music, respectively.

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