Critiques of the “Cultural Deprivation” Approach

Critiques of the “Cultural Deprivation” Approach

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In 3 double-spaced pages 1) discuss your opinion about this week’s readings BEFORE you met
with your reading response group and 2) reflect on the extent to which your discussion with your
In class discussion
reading response group changed, enhanced, expanded, clarified and/or confirmed your opinion
about the ideas in the readings.

-Bomer, R. et. al. (January, 2008). Miseducating Teachers about the Poor: A Critical Analysis of
Ruby Payne’s Claims about Poverty. Teachers College Record, 110:12, 2497-2531.
-Labov, W. (1972). Academic Ignorance and Black Intelligence.
-Rodriguez, R. (1982). Excerpt from, Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez.

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