critically evaluate the nation that elections remain a cornerstone of liberal democracy. Compare the experiences of to states in your answer (not the UK or US)
Topic: critically evaluate the nation that elections remain a cornerstone of liberal democracy. Compare the experiences of to states in your answer (not the UK or US)
Order Description
This is the recommended reading list
Recommended Reading on Elections:
Start with Hague and Harrop (Chapter 11) and Heywood (Chapter 9)
Caramani, D (2013), Comparative Politics, Third Edition Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Chapter 10)
Newton K and Van Deth J (2010), Foundations of Comparative Politics, Second edition. Cambridge: CUP (Chapter 12)
Possible useful readings on Democracy (respresentative and liberal democracies, especially)
Hague and Harrop (Chapter 3)
Heywood, A (2013), Politics, Fourth Edition. London: Palgrave. (Chapter 4)
Newton K and Van Deth J (2010), Foundations of Comparative Politics, Second edition. Cambridge: CUP. (Chapters 2 and 3)
Possible Case Studies
Almond, G et al (2010), Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Longman.
Chapters on a range of countries incl. France, Russia, Germany, Japan, Mexico, India.
Roberts, G (2000), German Politics Today. Manchester: Manchester University Press. (Chapter 4)
Piombo, J. & Nijzink, L. (eds.) (2005) Electoral Politics in South Africa: Assessing the First Democratic Decade. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (Chapter 4).
Heywood, A (2013), Politics, Fourth Edition. London: Palgrave. (Page 214 on New Zealand).
Southall, R. and J. Daniel (2009) Zunami!: The South African elections of 2009. Auckland Park: Jacana media. (Available electronically)
Kesselman, M. ; Joel Krieger and William A Joseph . (2010). Introduction to comparative politics : political challenges and changing agendas. London: Wadsworth. (Chapters on various case studies)