Critical Analysis of SHRM systems (Strategic Human Resource Management
Critical Analysis of SHRM systems (Strategic Human Resource Management
Order Description
Critically analyse the key strengths and limitations of two SHRM systems. This can be “outsourcing” and “strategic recruitment”
? At least 12 academic articles/papers.
? Up to 3 text books (including the prescribed text).
? Up to 5 other authoritative sources of your choice. E.g. quality newspaper or professional journal, government or NGO website. Please avoid the use of corporate websites as these tend to be promotional and not authoritative.
**Please read assessment requirement and rubric file that i will upload for you carefully and follow the instruction carefully**
The detail of essay structure can be referred to the MARKING RUBRIC of the assessment file:
• Introduction- precise statement of aims and scope
• Description- Key facts concerning the topic, identified from at least 20 sources. The majority of facts are supported triangulation
• Application – more than 3 industry and/or organization examples, incorporated into the essay as illustrative evidence. Relevancy is to be demonstrated
• Discussion – an original and internally consistent argument supported by precise understanding and application of relevant prescribed textbook concepts and comprehensive discussion
• Conclusion –draw together key finding of analysis. Provide reasoned view with clear summary evaluation
Prescribed Textbook
Title & Date: Author: Publisher:
Strategic Human Resources Management, 8th Edn (2014) Nankervis, A., Compton, R., Baird, M. & Coffey, J. Cengage Learning