Creative Activities
Creative Activities
Course Description (credit hours)
A study of planning and implementing developmentally appropriate experiences, that integrate art, music, creative dramatics and movement activities for young children, from infancy to age five.(3 sh, 5 -week modules)
Required Text
Mayesky, M. (2012). Creative activities for young children (10th ed). Clifton Park, New York: Thomson Delmar Learning.
Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. Explain the developmental significance of creative activities and their importance to children.
2. List components of effective art, music, dramatics, and movement activities that take place individual, in centers and in groups.
3. Describe developmentally appropriate art, music, movement, and dramatics activities for children
4. Demonstrate effective planning for integrated instructional activities related to a thematic study for a specified age group.
Means of Assessment
This outcome will be indicated by successful:
1. Participation in weekly discussion boards.
2. Completion of weekly writing assignments.
3. Completion of two exams.
Course Requirements
1. This online course runs seven days per week. Your active involvement throughout the seven day week is required in order to be successful and receive the full benefit of the course.
2. Read the assigned chapters in the textbook each week and answer the “Review Questions” at the end of each chapter. The Review Questions will serve as the student’s study guide for the tests. You do not need to turn your responses in.
3. Take tests during weeks 3 and 5. The tests will be posted in the course discussion board.
4. Complete written assignments and web activity assignments each week as designated.
5. Each week a question will be posted for discussion. Please post your response to the topic in the discussion forum and respond to at least two classmates.
6. All assignments are due Sunday, by 11:55 pm of that week with the exception of Week 5. For example,
Week One assignments are due Sunday, August 31st by 11:55 p.m.
Week Two assignments are due _Sunday, September 7th by 11:55 pm.
Week Three assignments are due _Sunday, September 14th by 11:55 pm.
Week Four assignments are due _ Sunday, September 21st by 11:55 pm.
Week Five assignments are due Saturday, September 27th by 6:00 pm.
Evaluation/Grading Scale
Achieving the objectives of the course requires a variety of teaching and learning strategies.
In general, assignments will be evaluated on the basis of content, objectivity and /or appropriateness, presentation, and punctuality. Evaluation criteria for assignments will be given.
Grading Scale:
93-100=A, 90-92=A-, 87-89= B+, 83-86=B, 80-82=B-, 77-79=C+, 70-76=C, 60-69=D, 59-Below F, I=Incomplete
Final grades will be computed as follows:
Two Tests 20%
Discussion Board 20%
Written Assignments 30%
Web Activities 30%
Attendance Policy
• If a student would like to drop the course, they should contact their academic advisor. Students may not drop the course beyond the fifth day of the online course.
• A student may request a grade of “I” if 80% of the course work has been completed by the end of the last day of the course. To request an “Incomplete,” the student must secure and complete a form called “Student Petition for Incomplete Grade” and give that form to the instructor by the last day of the course. If the instructor agrees to an “I,” the instructor signs the form, indicates the date when the course work must be completed (within 7 weeks of the end-of-course date), and sends the form to the VPAA office at the time that grades for the course are submitted. It is the instructor’s responsibility to notify the student that the form has been approved and submitted and to tell the student what work is needed and the date that the work is due so that the instructor can evaluate it in time to get the grade to the Registrar’s Office by the completion date stated on the form. The petition form is available from the Registrar’s Office or from the Appendix section of the ECE Notebook.
• Late work is only accepted when it has been pre-approved by the instructor. Preapproval will only be given when extenuating circumstances are present. When late work has been approved, there will be a five point penalty for each day that it is late. Late work will not be accepted beyond the fifth day.
E-Mail and Moodle Communication
MOC e-mail is the only acceptable form of e-mail communication for students and instructors. Students may expect messages from the instructor on this account. Failure to check your MOC e-mail account and Moodle shell is not an acceptable excuse for missing messages.
Electronic Interruptions
Disruptive activities in the classroom will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the class. This includes cell phone use (including text messaging), pagers and other electronic devices. These must be turned off during class. Violation of this rule is grounds for dismissal from class.
To access the Honor Policy and information about Student Success Center Resources and Moye library, please refer to Moodle or the following website:
Academic Concerns and Questions
All academic issues must be first brought to your professor. Your professor’s contact information is at the top of this syllabus.
In the event that you and your professor cannot resolve an issue, the next step is to contact the Division Chair. The Division Chair’s contact information is also at the top of this syllabus.
Course Outline
Module 1: The Creative Process (Week 1)
Module 2: Art (Weeks 2)
Module 3: Music and Movement (Weeks 3)
Module 4: Dramatic Play (Week 4)
Module 5: Celebration of Multiculturalism (Week 5)
WEEK ONE – MODULE ONE: The Creative Process
Reading/Writing Assignments
•Read chapters 1, 2, and 3 in the textbook.
•After completing the required reading, post your response to the weekly discussion question found in Moodle. Post your response in the Discussion Board by Wednesday to allow for discussion. Respond to at least two classmates’ postings.
•Respond to the chapter questions under “Writing Assignment”
•Post your response to the “Web Activity”
Reading/Writing Assignments
•Read chapters 9, 10 and 11 in the textbook.
•After completing the required reading, post your response to the weekly discussion question found in Moodle. Post your response in the Discussion Board. Respond to at least two classmates’ postings.
•Complete the “Writing Assignment” and “Web Activity”
WEEK THREE – MODULE THREE: Music and Movement
Reading/Writing Assignments
•Read chapters 16 and 17 in the textbook.
•After completing the required reading, post your response to the weekly discussion question found in Moodle. Post your response in the Discussion Board. Respond to at least two classmates’ postings.
•Respond to the “Writing Assignment”
•Complete the “Web Activity”
Reading/Writing Assignments
•Read chapter 15 in the textbook.
•After completing the required reading, post your response to the weekly discussion question found in Moodle. Post your response in the Discussion Board. Respond to at least two classmates.
•Post your response to the “Web Activity”
•Complete Dramatic Play Kit. Details are listed in Module Four under “Writing Assignment”
WEEK FIVE – MODULE FIVE: Multicultural Celebrations
Reading and Writing Assignments
•Read chapters 24, 25, and 26 in the textbook.
•After completing the required reading, post your response to the weekly discussion question found in Moodle. Post your response in the Discussion Board. Respond to at least two classmates.
•Post your response to the “Writing Assignment”
•Complete the Web Activity. Cite references using APA style.