Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning

Order Description
Instructions: I need two questionnaires for my thesis research:
One for the teachers and one for the students

Research Title: “Computer Supported Collaborative Learning”
Level: Doctorate studies
Context: Higher education classrooms in Oman.
Research aim: investigation on technological use in supporting collaborative learning inside Higher Education (HE) classrooms in Oman.
Research Questions
The study will be conducted under the influence of the following questions:
I. What are the pedagogic practices being used in our classrooms currently?
II. How will using technology in supporting collaborative learning inside HE classrooms in Oman be effective?
III. What factors influence the use of CSCL in the Omani HE system?
Research Objectives
For an investigation on how collaborative learning can be encouraged by teachers through the use of technology, the following research objectives have been developed.
1. To investigate CSCL’s current trends.
2. To discover the strategies for CSCL that are suitable in Omani
3. To define how CSCL could impact individual or group learning in Omani
4. To examine the perceptions of teachers and students towards CSCL
5. To comprehend the impeding factors of the effective implementation of CSCL
The questionnaire could be two pages each with some very few open ended questions at the end. You are an expert and you know how well to design it better than me.
When this job is done we will go for the interview questions in another order. I will send you my proposal and my assignment I wrote to have a better idea.

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