Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)

For each policy, briefly:

Explain how the policy is addressed at the federal, state, and local level.
What programs were developed from this this policy?
Reflect on how the policy affects or may affect your community, geographic area, or potential clients.
Then, address this unique prompt for this week’s Quick Guide:

Describe one strategy for addressing the lack of accessibility of mental health resources.
Refer to the Social Welfare Policy: Search Tips site listed in the Learning Resources for tips on finding additional information.
Policies to explore:
American With Disabilities Act (from Week 7)
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (from Week 7)
Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act
Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)

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Policy Analysis and Accessibility of Mental Health Resources

Here’s an analysis of how selected policies address mental health resources, accessibility considerations, and a strategy to improve accessibility:

1. Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA):

  • Federal Level: MHPAEA prohibits group health plans from imposing more restrictive annual or lifetime dollar limits on mental health and substance use disorder (SUD) benefits compared to medical/surgical benefits.
  • State Level: Some states have enacted stricter parity laws with additional requirements for insurers operating within the state.

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  • Local Level:Local governments might have limited direct influence on MHPAEA implementation, but may advocate for mental health services within their communities.
  • Programs:MHPAEA has led to a slight increase in mental health coverage offered by employer-sponsored health plans.
  • Community Impact:MHPAEA improves access to mental health care for individuals with employer-sponsored insurance by reducing financial barriers. However, access disparities persist for uninsured and underinsured populations.
  1. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):
  • Federal Level:The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability, including mental disabilities. This can apply to access to mental health services in certain settings.
  • State Level:States can enact complementary laws that expand on ADA protections within their jurisdictions.
  • Local Level:Local governments may have ADA compliance requirements for public programs and services.
  • Programs:The ADA has improved access to mental health services for individuals with disabilities in educational settings and employment opportunities.
  • Community Impact:The ADA ensures individuals with mental disabilities are not discriminated against in accessing mental health services offered by public entities. However, the focus is on non-discrimination, not necessarily ensuring sufficient resources.
  1. The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA):
  • Federal Level:CARA provides funding for various programs aimed at addressing the opioid crisis and improving access to substance use disorder treatment.
  • State Level:States receive federal funding through CARA and can develop their own programs based on specific needs.
  • Local Level:Local communities often receive CARA funding through state allocations and use it for treatment programs, outreach efforts, and harm reduction initiatives.
  • Programs:CARA has funded various programs for medication-assisted treatment (MAT), naloxone distribution, and other addiction recovery services.
  • Community Impact:CARA resources can improve access to SUD treatment in local communities, particularly for underserved populations. However, funding allocations may not always be sufficient to meet all needs.

Addressing Accessibility Challenges:

Strategy: Telehealth and Technology-Enabled Mental Health Services

  • Description:Telehealth allows for the delivery of mental health services remotely using video conferencing or online platforms. This can significantly improve access for individuals in rural areas, those with transportation limitations, or those who face stigma associated with seeking in-person mental health care.
  • Benefits:Increased accessibility, convenience, reduced wait times, potential cost savings.
  • Challenges:Lack of reliable internet access in some communities, potential privacy concerns, ensuring qualified telehealth providers are available.


Mental health resource accessibility remains a challenge in many communities. While the policies explored show some progress, there’s a need for continued efforts on multiple fronts. Strategies like telehealth can play a crucial role in expanding access to mental health services and improving overall well-being within communities.


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