Comparing Translations of Ovid. “Atalanta and Hippomenes.”


Ovid. “Atalanta and Hippomenes.”
a. Trans. Charles Martin. Norton 672-675
b. Trans. Allen MandelbaumPreview the document. Harcourt Brace, 1993, pp. 349-355.
Look for two English translations of your chosen text. Read your chosen translations side-by-side, noting the different images that each translator paints in your head with his or her words.
Mark up the texts, isolating a few passages or keywords that support your claims. Keep quotes as brief as possible.
NB: Read your essay as if the boxes with quoted material didn’t exist. The only reason I ask you to include them is if I get lost reading your paper, I can refer back to them to orient myself. There is the sample outline you can follow, and also a sample essay you can read if you need( which in the

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