compare how the activities of physicians in the US and China may have led to a attaining different levels of autonomy and legitimacy.

Topic: compare how the activities of physicians in the US and China may have led to a attaining different levels of autonomy and legitimacy.

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In his book Starr argues that the professionalization of medicine was driven mostly by the economic interests of physicians and the collective bargaining power that was gained through the AMA. In my paper, I want to compare how the activities of physicians in the US and China may have led to a attaining different levels of autonomy and legitimacy.

From Class: Starr, Leung


1)American Medical Association, Principles of Medical Ethics, 1903



1) Stone- “Physicians as gatekeepers: Illness certtification as a rationing device”

2) Reid- The Healing of America

3) Bowory: Uneasy Encounters: The Politics of Medicine and Health in China, 1900-1937

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