Compare and contrast the elegiac poems Kenneth Slessor’s “Five Bells” and Robert Lowell’s ‘The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket”.
Compare and contrast the elegiac poems Kenneth Slessor’s “Five Bells” and Robert Lowell’s ‘The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket”.
Compare and contrast the elegiac poems Kenneth Slessor’s “Five Bells” and Robert Lowell’s ‘The Quaker Graveyard in Nantucket”.
Focus on the common theme of elegy of death and the sea. Use at least 6 secondary sources to demonstrate research. And the 2 poems act as primary resources which equals to 8 resources in total. Sources can be cited multiple times throughout the essay.
Learning outcomes assessed:
1. demonstrate a detailed understanding of a selection of texts that manifest a visionary imagination;
2. demonstrate mastery of a range of appropriate terms for talking about the visionary imagination and a broad understanding of the conceptual framework(s) that underpins them;
3. reflect on the nature of visionary ideas and experience in a variety of contexts.
Assessment criteria
Evidence of knowledge and understanding of texts discussed
Strength of literary argument
Evidence of research
Strategic use of secondary source material
Clarity of expression
Mechanics of English
Correctly referenced material using MLA citation format