Comparative Mythology (Classics)

Comparative Mythology (Classics)
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How does the city impact on the lives of its citizens. Discuss this issue on the basis of the three texts you have read since 22 april– by Ovid, Euripides, and Thomas Man. (consider the main issues raised in Ovid, Euripides, and Mann: human civilization (i.e. the city?) surrounded by walls; fear of uncontrolled/uncontrollable [libidinal] energies/urges (from outside the real/imaginary walls.) Attemps of guardians of civilized/urban society to restrain. To what extent are desires possible to restrain? Consider the right of citizens to freedom. Consider the need for laws to maintain civilized life. Does power over others corrupt? where is the borderline between the imposition of the law and dictatorial rule? how can civilized human begins be free yet obey rules?

Sources: Ovid’s Pentheus (Ovid, Metam., Book3)
Euripides: The Bacchae
Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice

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