Communication Identity Project
Communication Identity Project
Order Description
Communication Identity Project
Requirements: Typed in 11 or 12pt font, black ink,
Instructions: Create your personal communication identity profile using fifteen (15) key terms from any chapters in your Looking Out Communication, Making Connections textbook (1311).
Select 15 terms and describe your relationship with each concept. We should understand that you understand the concept, and can provide an example of how it affects your life.
Example: I definitely consider my cousins my age as my primary reference group. I think about what age they went to school, how their careers are going and when they started families; then I compare that to what I’m doing.
You may write your narrative in essay form or use the speech outline template provided on the Learning Web. Underline each term you use and attach a list of the terms to your narrative.
Please use the book of Textbook: Communication Making Connections 9th Ed. Seil & Beall.