Cognitive Psychology

Consider the basic level category “dime” in contrast to the superordinate-level category “money” and the subordinate-level category “2005 dime.” Describe these three levels, and then explain how the basic level has special status when we want to identify objects.

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  • Superordinate Level Category (“Money”): This is the broadest category and encompasses a wide range of items used for transactions. It includes coins, bills, credit cards, etc. “Money” focuses on the general function – a medium of exchange.

  • Basic Level Category (“Dime”): This is the most informative and psychologically salient level for object identification. A “dime” has a specific size, shape, material composition, and value (10 cents). We can easily picture a dime and use it to interact with the world (buy something, make change).

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  • Subordinate Level Category (“2005 Dime”): This is the most specific level and provides additional details about the basic level category. “2005 Dime” specifies the year of minting, which might have historical or collector’s value but doesn’t change its basic function as a dime.

Why Basic Level Categories are Special for Identification:

Basic level categories have several advantages for object identification:

  • Optimal Level of Abstraction: They provide enough detail to distinguish objects from each other (e.g., a dime vs. a nickel) but not so much that it becomes overwhelming (e.g., distinguishing every single 2005 dime ever minted).
  • Shared Features: Basic level categories share a set of features that are most useful for identification and interaction. A dime has a specific size, image, and denomination that allows us to quickly recognize it and use it for its intended purpose.
  • Efficiency: Basic level categories allow for fast and efficient object recognition. Our brains don’t need to process every minute detail; they can recognize a dime based on its key features.
  • Action-Oriented: Basic level categories are linked to potential actions we can take with the object. Seeing a dime tells us we can use it for a specific transaction.

Overall, basic level categories like “dime” strike a balance between providing enough information for identification and being efficient for our brains to process in the real world.



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