Coca Cola Green Supply Chain Management
Topic: Coca Cola Green Supply Chain Management
Order Description
The Research Project should be about Coca Cola Green Supply Chain Management and the benefit of the green what they mean by green is recyclable and good for the environment and should be contain of the following:
#Body of paper
*Abstract (200 words) – Articulate the abstract after the completion of paper and it should be talking about the result (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain).
*Introduction [2-2.5 pages] – Introduction must be well written with adequate parenthetical citations.
? Research motivation [.5 – 1 page] and it should contain the purpose of this study and why we are doing it and the benefit of (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain). and how good is the green supply chain for the environment and recyclable materials
? Research questions or purpose or objectives of study(Coca Cola Green Supply Chain). to see the benefit and negative of the green Supply Chain management.
? and any other good points can be written on the introduction .
*Review of Relevant Literature [9-10 pages] – Thorough Review of Relevant Literature (7-8 pages) – past studies relevant to your research area. of (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain). and any real story or study which done in any country around the world about it
*Research Methodology [2-3 pages] – For research methodology, we will use an operational research model called analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Please read literature on it. I will be glad to share with you some of my published papers using it. AHP has been used in thousands of thesis/dissertations, academic journal publications, and in governmental agencies. I will guide you on how it is used in an empirical research.make sure that you are using this method AHP for (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain). attached how to do it AHP method please follow it
*Data source and Discussion [1.5 – 2 pages] – With respect to data source and discussion, we will use AHP-based survey questionnaire [a combination of interview of subject matter experts and literature review will help significantly]. I will guide you on how AHP-based survey questionnaire is developed. make sure that you are using this method AHP for (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain). compare the data source between the AHP method and interview very important to do it. attached how to do it AHP method please follow it
*Data Analysis and Discussion [.5 – 1 page] – We will use either a spreadsheet/excel which is very powerful in modeling and data analysis or Expert Choice software.
*Result and Discussion [3-4 pages] summary about (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain).and the data collected
*Conclusion and Managerial Implications [1 page] as a manager how you see the benefit of this and disadvantage of this
*Study Limitations [.5 page] information limitation maybe some secuire information why dont able to get about (Coca Cola Green Supply Chain). and problem faced during collecting the information
Writing Guidelines to use
? Use double space single column, one-inch margins (1”) all-round (Top, bottom, left, and right.
? References and parenthetical citations should be prepared in accordance with APA Publication Manual 5th Edition
? Use Times New Roman, 11 points
please follow the instruction above and the most important thing that you apply the AHP method carefully and talk about Coca Cola Green Supply Chain and the benefit of the green what they mean by green is recyclable and good for the environment