choose a question (and tell me before you start please)
choose a question (and tell me before you start please)
Order Description
A 2,250 word essay (60%) on the relation between the internet, social media and contemporary politics critically analysing key ideas, concepts, and theories.
– The essay should be supported by a substantial and relevant bibliography in addition to referencing all relevant set readings, these references to include at least 3 academic journal articles published in 2012 or after.
The bibliography is not included in the word length of assignments.
Assignments are to be word processed
Each assignment should be submitted separately (and via MyBeckett)
Each assignment must include an appropriate bibliography
University and school guidelines on referencing and style should be followed (remind yourself of the requirements of the Essential Style Guide)
It is assumed that you are fully aware of the regulations concerning plagiarism and the severe penalties that can be imposed if you are found plagiarising
If you are uncertain as regards any aspect of plagiarism, consult the Leeds Beckett University guidelines at If you are still uncertain, please consult your tutor.
5b. Essay Titles
(IMPORTANT NOTICE: for all essay titles you will be required both to critically examine the terms in which the question is set and illuminate your answer with detailed reference to the media / politics literature, including contemporary journal articles, and appropriate contemporary evidence of media coverage of politics such as that in newspapers and on political websites.
1. In what ways does the internet expand contemporary mediated public life? With what consequences?
2. Critically explore the range of political uses and implications of the following: social networking sites / blog sites / web 2.0 ‘political’ apps.
3. Critically explore the political uses made of websites and social media by a political party or pressure group.
4. Critically discuss the relationship between politics and celebrity, with reference to one or more examples.
5. Critically discuss the mediation of politics via television, using two or more examples.
6. Assess the media focus on individual political leaders, with reference to two or more examples.
If you would like to alter an existing question, I am keen to allow this but you must consult me. Any such ‘personalised’ questions need to be submitted to me (Neil), via email, and agreed by me, no later than the start of week 11 – Tuesday 26th April 2016.
6. Set Text
The main text for this module is the book Mediating Politics by Neil Washbourne (Maidenhead: Open University Press, 2010). It is available as an e-book via the university library catalogue. There are also multiple copies in the Civic Quarter library should you wish to consult a printed copy (there are six copies in the short loan section of the library). Please note that you are expected to read and take detailed discursive notes, including page references, from each of the set readings. You are also expected to catch up with any readings you might be unfortunate enough to miss due to illness or other reasons. To make the most of this module, you will need, in addition, to regularly read and engage with a variety of local / national newspaper, radio, and internet coverage of politics. Such engagement will profoundly aid you in meeting the requirement for ‘contemporary evidence’ of media coverage of politics and also help you situate your content analysis.