Case Study

Case Study

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Throughout the Northouse book, the case studies are used as teaching tools. Designing your own case study will help you deal with real-world issues and dilemmas as well as help solve the challenges. You should provide enough information so the reader can make a sound decision in solving the case. Again, doctoral level papers must be detailed and well-written.

1-For this assignment you will write a case study based on the topic of creating a climate of practice. For example, how the organization should conduct optimal levels of productivity and/or care for their people. You may base your case study on a personal experience, positive or negative, but do not use real names or places. Once you review the examples in the Northouse book, Please note they are ONLY examples.

2You will read that a case study begins with a brief description of the topic to be addressed.

3-You will then present the facts related to the case. For example, like a storyline, narrative, scenario.

4-Finally, provide at least five open-ended discussion questions that “provoke thought.” No credit given for questions that elicit a yes or no response, or a listing of points.

Please note that you are to write a doctoral level paper, not an outline, based on your specific case study. Although the text illustrates some case studies as examples, as well as other resources you might find on a case study, you must write this assignment as a doctoral paper, not as a brief.

5-Please refer to the proper documents for format and syntax. There are no scholarly resources required.

6-You are to prepare a doctoral level paper, at least 4 full pages of content,

Required text book:

A. Required Textbook: (please note that the Northouse textbook below is referenced
perfectly to 6th edition APA format).
Northouse, P. G. (2015). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (3rd ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.

Please it is Important that the writer have this book to look at the examples of the case study please.

It is import to have 4 full pages..

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