Case scenario health assessment , using clinical resigning cycle

Case scenario health assessment , using clinical resigning cycle

Order Description
How many references do I need?
You need to use at minimum 8-10 references. You should aim for quality sources – peer reviewed articles and textbooks. All ideas that are not your own need to be referenced.?Consumer or hospital websites are NOT authoritative resources, and should not be used. References from 2011-2016 , no later than 5 years.
Tutor note-
Please do not use I or me.
Example- This essay will discuss ……..he/she or the patient or patient name…
Please use the medical terminology in easy rather than simple word.
Please use IPPA Technique

IPPA is a physical examination with four key steps: inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

Style requirements for Assignment 2
? Arial 11?? Text double spaced?? Left hand justified?? Student name and ID in footer with page numbers
Cover sheet not required?Title page not required – place heading on first page
? On a new page, with heading ‘References’
? Extra line space between each reference
? Hanging indent on second and subsequent lines of each reference.
APA style Referencing

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