Career Analysis Research Paper

Research Paper #1 Career Analysis Research Paper Guidelines TOPIC:
Investigate a job/profession/career area you are considering, such as nursing, accounting,
criminal justice, computers, business management, engineering, etc. Specify your job title:
parole officer, pediatric nurse, physical therapist, social worker, etc. LENGTH:
A minimum of eight (8) typed (double-spaced) pages, not including the title page, formal
outline, and “Works Cited” page. SOURCES:
A minimum of eight (8) current sources. Vary your sources (government publications, EBSCOhost Databases, Internet, etc.). As part of your sources, you must include the following:
1. Occupational Outlook Handbook
2. America’s Career Infonet
3. At least two sources from EBSCOhost (Academic Search Premier, etc.)

5. At least one article from a web site
6. At least one table, chart, or graph
All sources must be submitted with the final paper.
In addition, you should conduct at least one personal interview with a person who is working in your career area and incorporate this information throughout your paper.
Don’t use family members or friends for the required interview and don’t substitute
a telephone or email interview for the required personal interview. I want you to leave
your comfort zone and meet new people. Although you may certainly use these resources as additional sources to go beyond the minimum requirements and enrich your paper, they cannot substitute the personal interview requirement. Audience:
Your audience for this essay will be students interested in pursuing a career in your chosen field. This essay is not about your goals and aspirations; it’s about your career. Assume the persona of an authority in the field; after all, you will be quite knowledgeable after having done your research. Your job is to educate your audience about your chosen field so that your reader can make an informed career decision.
Since this paper is longer and more complex than those you were asked to write for Composition I, you will need to use headings and subheadings to guide your reader through the text. Read carefully the information provided for levels of headings. In addition, your instructor will help you use headings correctly.
Documentation must follow the new MLA style of documentation as well as manuscript form:
1. One inch margins on all sides
2. 12 pts. font size
3. Times New Roman font style
4. Effective use of headings and subheadings
5. Formal outline, the text, and a “Works Cited” page
6. Title page
If your paper is missing any of these requirements, it will not receive a passing grade. EVALUATION:
The final research paper will be evaluated on the following criteria: clarity of purpose, correctness of documentation, smoothness of source integration and variety of sources, clarity of organization, effective use of topic sentences and transitions, correct use of headings and subheadings, mechanics, and individual style. Your research paper will receive a grade that will include points earned for each assignment listed in your Schedule of Assignments. This grade will be worth 30% of your final grade. DUE DATES:
You will receive credit for each assignment in the process of writing the paper. You will receive credit only if you complete each step on the date it is due and you have followed the instructions for preparing the assignment. If your assignment is late, don’t fail to submit it anyway. The feedbacks you receive on these assignments are crucial to successful completion of your final paper. You may not receive full credit, but you will receive some points, plus feedback.
As per the syllabus, the edited draft and the final draft MUST be submitted in order to pass the course, REGARDLESS of the grade you receive on either. For example, if you are late and receive a zero on the edited draft, you still must submit it in order to be allowed to submit the final draft.


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